============ REPLACES NEURAL21.ZIP This archive contains : 1. SLUG3.EXE, a working backprop neural network application. This version replaces SLUG2.EXE, and fixes some bugs, notably the one which caused the program to write to the windows screen like a DOS application when a run was done without specifying a log file. Hopefully, no new bugs are introduced. Let me know if you find any ! 2. Full documentation on the Neural Networks Toolkit (copyright Southern Scientific) which was used to construct SLUG3, in RTF format. 3. A quick and dirty dos program to illustrate how easy it is to implement neural nets with the toolkit. The use of Slug is explained in the included windows help file, SLUGHLP3.HLP Bugfixes In SLUG3 : ==================== 1. Crashed when using 'shake' if no logfile is open. Fixed. 2. 'Shake' caused the network to become fully connected. Fixed. 3. A bug causing some training sets to be presented improperly has also been fixed. Try your unsuccessful training runs again. 4. The drag&drop editor has been thrown out. Notepad is used instead. Additions to SLUG3 : =================== 2. NEW ! Transfer functions can now be specified. Please note ! ============= You may distribute NEURAL22.ZIP as you see fit, but you may not distribute any part of it without placing NEURAL22.ZIP at the same location. PLEASE, OK ? I get a lot of calls and faxes asking about stuff which is in the zip file, so I know that people end up with just the executables... --------------------- Please read Toolkit.* --------------------- Regards Charles Marais